Best Free Webmaster Tools >>Domain Checkups
Alexa Traffic Rank View and compare Alexa Ranking graphs. | Broken Link Checker Use this tool to check for Broken Links on a website. |
Domain Availability Check for available domain names. | Domain Look-up Retrieve a range of information about a domain. |
Domain Whois Retrieve a domain whois information. | IP Location Locate the country of an IP Address. |
Link Price Calculator Estimate how much to pay for a link. | Ping Test Check the presence of an active connection. |
Reciprocal Link Checker Check your reciprocal links to see if link partners are still linking back to your site. | Reverse/IP Look-up Searches for domain names hosted on your IP address. |
Server Status Check if a website is online or offline. | Website Speed Test Find out how fast a specific webpage loads. |