ZenKEY allows you to control all aspects of
computer via keystrokes. Using the configuration utility of the ZenKEY
Wizard, you can create menus, each containing items which perform
"actions". You can "fire" these actions by clicking on the item or
pressing a key-combination. Using these actions, you can: Launch a
program, bring it back into focus, or move to another one. Use an
Infinite desktop space. Spread groups of windows around and move between
them seamlessly.Save Desktop area by replacing windows with 'live' icons
showing CPU and memory usage. Open a document, folder, Internet
resource or start a search. Move, minimize, or make windows transparent.
Make them bigger, smaller, send them to the tray. Set them to 'Always
on top' or tile them. Issue a Media command, such as play, pause or
volume up/down. Use an unlimited desktop to move across and place
program windows. And much more!